
Shadow : Story

Author – Desh Kumar Yadav

Retired Indian millionaire Syed Hasim, aged 60, resides in the USA and leads a life of solitude. With his children off chasing their dreams and his wife having passed away a decade ago, he finds himself alone in his grand mansion, accompanied only by his devoted caretaker, Anees. Both men are of the same age, and Anees has been a steadfast support, tending to Syed’s every need. However, with plans to travel to India for his grandson’s wedding and spend six months with his family, Anees is set to leave in just a few days.

This impending departure fills Syed with sadness, as he has come to rely heavily on Anees. Despite Syed’s desperate attempts to keep him from leaving, reminiscent of a heartbroken lover, Anees remains resolute, having endured Syed’s clinging ways for the past seven years without getting any leave.

Anees and Syed shared a warm friendship, to the point where Anees would always give back to Syed whenever he was in a foul mood.

Despite Syed’s grumpiness, Anees cared deeply for him and understood that he would feel quite isolated. Moreover, he knew that once he arrived in India, Syed would inundate him with calls over the smallest issues, making life quite challenging.

In light of this, Anees decided to bring in a new caretaker, much to Syed’s dismay, but Anees brushed off his objections. After considering several candidates, he ultimately selected a 45-year-old woman of Indian descent named Noori.

Noori was far from an ordinary caregiver. She radiated charm, possessed sharp intelligence, and had a magnetic personality. Syed, on the other hand, loathed everything about her and held a deep disdain for her presence. Yet, Noori was prepared for any challenge, gracefully managing his unpredictable moods and demands. Over time, Syed started to adapt to her approach, which sometimes called for a gentle touch and at other times needed a more assertive stance.

As time went by, he found himself becoming more comfortable around her. From time to time, she would accompany him for a walk, enjoy a TV show together, or engage in conversations about literature.

Syed started to anticipate their evening tea dates with excitement. She radiated charm and sophistication, being both educated and well-read. He appreciated her company, and a budding affection began to blossom within him. For the first time, he started to share his life and reveal his thoughts to her, something he had never done before—perhaps not even with his wife. This new connection brought him a sense of happiness he hadn’t experienced in a while.

During one of their conversations, Noori confided in him about her past, sharing the heart-breaking news of her husband’s death. The lack of justice for his murder left her disillusioned, causing her to lose trust in people entirely.

She probed Syed about his own life experiences, challenging him on the wrongs he might have committed to achieve his goals. Syed, too, carried his share of regrets, acknowledging that there were times in his business dealings when he acted in ways he later wished he hadn’t, whether intentionally or not.

Pushing further, she boldly asked if he had ever taken a life in his pursuit of success. This question caught Syed off guard. Despite his many missteps, he firmly asserted that he had never killed anyone.

Four months had gone by since Noori embraced her new role as a caregiver. Often, she could be overheard whispering into her phone, “Revenge will be taken.” Slowly, she started mixing a particular powder from her pouch into Syed’s meals, whose health had been deteriorating over ever since.

One day, while cooking, Noori accidentally sliced her finger with a knife, prompting Syed to feel a surge of concern and a strong desire to help her. His newfound attentiveness caught Noori off guard, as she had always held a different view of him.

Over the next few days, Syed continued to shower her with care and support. During one of these heartfelt moments, he opened up to her and proposed, revealing that despite having everything, he felt utterly alone and yearned to share his life with her. He expressed that Noori was the companion his heart had been longing for. Caught off guard by his proposal, Noori struggled to find the right words. Sensing her hesitation, Syed gently encouraged her to take her time in making a decision.

One day, while on the phone with the same person, she once again declared her intention for revenge, but this time her voice carried a hint of unease.

Syed, intrigued by what he overheard, decided to confront her. She had the option to conceal the truth or fabricate a story, yet she chose honesty. She revealed to Syed that her target for vengeance was him, as he had been responsible for the death of her husband, Atif, who two decades ago when Atif worked for him during Syed’s early days as a small trader in India.

The revelation shook Syed to his core. He vividly remembered that tragic day. He quickly reassured her that then Atif had only recently joined his company and insisted he was not the one who had killed her husband. However, he explained that Atif had been involved in illegal activities. He had entered Syed’s business to support his smuggling operations, and when one of his deals fell apart, he found himself cornered. With nowhere to escape and the law closing in, Atif had taken his own life with his handgun.

There was a rumour circulating that he had committed the murder, but the forensic evidence presented in court proved otherwise. To establish his innocence, he had kept that report until now and handed it over to Noori.

She quickly dismissed it, insisting that he had manipulated the system to validate his narrative. Syed pointed out that when her husband was earning only 20,000 rupees, it was hard to fathom how he could afford a luxurious bike and a lavish lifestyle. How could she explain that?

Noori replied that her husband claimed Syed had gifted him everything as a token of appreciation for his hard work. “Do you really buy that story?”

Syed burst out, unable to contain his laughter. “I used to ride an old scooter; why would I give him an expensive bike and fund his extravagant way of living?” At this point, Noori was utterly confused.

Syed made it clear that despite everything that happened now, he wouldn’t involve the police, and if she still harbored intentions to kill him for revenge, she was welcome to try. As he sat at the dining table waiting for her to serve him, she approached quietly, placing the powder pouch directly in front of him and serving his meal without a word. Syed gently inquired if she had come to a decision regarding his proposal, to which she cleverly responded, “You’ve just escaped death, and you still want to marry me?” He countered with, “It’s wiser to keep the enemy close.”

The narrative shifts to a flashback from 20 years ago, where we see Syed on the phone, instructing someone to eliminate Atif, who knew too much about their operations.

That night, Noor again contacted the same individual, saying, “He took the bait; I’ll soon be his wife, and then all his riches will belong to us,” a faint smile playing on her lips.


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